While Dr. Furgason & Dr. Fife are both highly skilled in the field of restorative dentistry, their first priority is always the basic maintenance of their patients’ dental health. Together they offer the full range of general dentistry procedures and services.

General Dentistry
Oral Exams & Cleaning
We all know how important regular oral exams and professional cleanings are to our dental health. Dr. Furgason & Dr. Fife conduct meticulous examinations on all of their patients before discussing any cosmetic or restorative work that might be needed. Our hygienists take care to ensure that each patient receives a thorough cleaning while in his care. During your routine exam, we employ the help of advanced diagnostic tools that are more efficient than conventional film, and an intra-oral camera that can pinpoint any dental problems you may have. Once your Dr. has a clear idea of your dental needs, you and he will be able to custom-design the right treatment plan for you.
The Importance of Routine Check-Ups
Another aspect of good dental health is to go to see your dentist on a regular basis for routine check-ups. During a routine visit, your dentist examines your teeth and gums to determine if you have any cavities or other oral problems. Your dental hygienist will also clean your teeth and get rid of all of the plaque that is residing in your mouth. If plaque is left on your teeth, then it can cause cavities or gingivitis. It is important to see your dentist every six months in order to keep your teeth healthy and strong.
Preventive Care and Patient Education
Dr. Furgason and Dr. Fife are both great with patients and love teaching people about oral hygiene. Good oral care begins with brushing your teeth at least three times a day, and flossing once. Adding mouthwash to your routine can also help fight bacteria and germs that can grow into plaque on your teeth. It is important to start good oral hygiene routines early. Kids especially tend to have cavities from sugary foods and drinks that they consume and should be taught how to properly brush their teeth and floss to prevent cavities. If children have good oral hygiene routines when they are young, then they will continue with the same routine for the rest of their lives, and always have strong, beautiful teeth.
We cannot stress enough the importance of regular home dental care. Most people only brush their teeth twice a day and rarely floss. Dr. Furgason & Dr. Fife emphasize to all their patients how crucial it is that they brush at least three times a day and floss at least once a day. Daily dental care at home is the first line of defense against dental and periodontal disease, and can save patients from costly and uncomfortable dental work in the future. At the office, we insist on taking the time to teach each of patients proper home dental care techniques. We also offers in-office preventive treatments, including the application of fluoride and sealants. If you would like to learn how to properly care for your teeth at home, contact us for an appointment today.